Take our quiz to make a big difference in just 2-minutes!

Take our quiz

Looking for a quick and easy way to make a difference? Look no further!

When you take our 2-minute quiz, our donor the KARE Foundation will donate $20 to Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada in your name! Your responses will help us learn what issues are most important to you when it comes to child welfare, informing our advocacy, programs and strategies.

We’re incredibly grateful to the KARE Foundation for offering to donate $20 for each new user who takes our quiz, up to a total of $100,000. The KARE Foundation is a non-profit organization that is committed to supporting children and families within the child welfare system, and has recognized our dedication to enhancing the well-being and futures of children and families in vulnerable situations.

You can help us unlock this generous gift in just 2-minutes! Every dollar will directly support the needs of children and young people involved with the child welfare system across Canada.

Education, mental health or safe homes — which will you choose?

At Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada, we work with donors and community members across Canada to design, deliver and fund programs and services that help improve the lives of children and youth experiencing vulnerability. Almost 300,000 children are at risk of abuse and neglect in Canada¹.

Mental health, education and safe homes are the cornerstones of the Foundation’s work, creating stability for all three of our priority populations: children and families at-risk of entering child welfare, children and youth involved in care, and youth transitioning out of care. By choosing one of these three areas in our quiz, you’ll be providing important support to the communities we serve.

Mental Health

Data indicates that exposure to trauma is almost universal amongst children and youth in the child welfare system². And, 25-30% of former youth in care were diagnosed with PTSD, a rate of 3-5 times that of their peers in the general population³. By taking our quiz, the KARE Foundation will donate $20 on your behalf, which can pave the way for therapy, self-care and medication, and contributing to the emotional well-being of children and youth.


Education plays a critical role in helping children and youth from care break the cycles of intergenerational trauma and empowers them to create meaningful, independent lives. Data from the Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies shows that children from the child welfare system have a less than 50% chance of completing high school in Ontario⁴. By taking our quiz, the KARE Foundation will donate $20 on your behalf, which can open doors to tutoring, scholarships, and essential educational support for young people in and from care.

Safe Homes

A safe and stable home environment is fundamental to the well-being of children. Growing up in safe homes instills confidence, builds self-esteem and enables healthy development in children. By taking our quiz and choosing safe homes, the KARE Foundation will donate $20 on your behalf which can contribute to stability for families by providing child care support, counseling, and more.


Thank you so much for taking the time to make a big difference. When a community comes together to create change, anything is possible!

¹ Fallon, B., Lefebvre, R., Trocmé, N., Richard, K., Hélie, S., Montgomery, H. M., Bennett, M., JohCarnella, N., SaintGirons, M., Filippelli, J., MacLaurin, B., Black, T., Esposito, T., King, B., Collin- Vézina, D., Dallaire, R., Gray, R., Levi, J., Orr, M., Petti, T., Thomas Prokop, S., & Soop, S. (2021). Denouncing the continued overrepresentation of First Nations children in Canadian child welfare: Findings from the First Nations/Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect-2019. Ontario: Assembly of First Nations.

² Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare (2013). CW360 A Comprehensive Look at a Prevalent Child Welfare Issue: Trauma-Informed Child Welfare Practice.

³ Pecora, P. J., Kessler, R. C., Williams, J., O’Brien, K., Downs, A. C., English, D., White, J., Hiripi, E., White, C. R., Wiggins, T., & Holmes, K. E. (2005). Improving family foster care: Findings from the Northwest Foster Care Alumni Study. Seattle, WA: Casey Family Programs.

⁴ OACAS Gateway to Success Cycle Three (2014).