Access financial support for your education journey

Apply for a Scholarship

The 2025-26 application is now closed and will reopen for the 2026-27 school year in December 2025.

Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada post-secondary scholarships award young people $5000 for each academic year of study until they finish their program (to a maximum of 7 years from their program start) through a once yearly competitive application.

To be eligible to apply for a scholarship, you need to be:

  • Not currently receiving a CAFC Scholarship*
  • Have been or will be in either temporary or permanent care of the Ministry or Department responsible for child protection services up until your age of majority birthday or have been in permanent care of the Ministry or Department responsible for child protection services for at least 12 months. More Details.
  • Be attending a post-secondary institution full-time or on a reduced schedule with academic accommodation, for a full school year starting in September 2025 or January 2026
  • Under the age of 30 if you have or are currently receiving CAFC supports
  • Over the age of 30 and have not received a CAFC Scholarship before

*If you are a current CAFC Scholarship ($5000) recipient, you do not need to make an application.

Not sure if you are currently receiving a scholarship or a bursary? Questions about eligibility, the online application form, or the documents needed? Ask us! [email protected].

Connect with our team

Amanda Ball
Program Manager
(416) 923-0924, ext. 226
[email protected]

Apply for a bursary

Bursaries will not be available for Fall 2024. Please check back, if circumstances allow us to open the application, we will update the website as soon as possible, and the link will be available below.

Bursary awards are available throughout the school year to full- and part-time post-secondary students who meet the eligibility criteria. Bursaries are for a maximum of $2,000 for full-time students and up to $200 per course for part-time students.

To be eligible for a bursary, applicants must be:

  • Not currently receiving a Foundation Scholarship or bursary
  • Have been or will be in the temporary or permanent care of the Ministry or Department responsible for child protection services up until your age of majority birthday or had been in permanent care of the Ministry or Department responsible for child protection services for at least 12 months. More Details.
  • Are under the age of 30 if you have or are currently receiving Foundation supports; or
  • Are over the age of 30 and have not received a Foundation Scholarship or Bursary before

Connect with our team

Amanda Ball
Program Manager
(416) 923-0924, ext. 226
[email protected]

Apply for a graduation award

The graduation award for 2024-25 is now closed. If eligible and you completed your program this year, but missed applying, you will be welcome to make a 2025-26 application, opening in January 2025.

If you are under 30 and have graduated from a post-secondary program for which you received support from a Foundation scholarship or bursary, you are eligible to apply for a Graduation Award. Graduation Awards are paid in two installments: 90% will be paid at the time of Stand Up for Kids Night in September, and the remaining 10% will be paid six months later upon completion of a survey.

Connect with our team

Amanda Ball
Program Manager
(416) 923-0924, ext. 226
[email protected]

Other career and academic funding

The Youth Opportunity Fund is closed for the 2024-25 school year. Please keep an eye on this page as we will update the website and a link to apply will be available below if we are able to reopen the application.

The Youth Opportunity Fund provides individual grants to youth who were in permanent care in Canada or who are (or were) eligible for their provincial or territorial extended care program. Grants can be used for courses, programs, and other activities that will assist them in securing employment and achieving success in their careers. Examples include post-secondary tutoring, application fees and career related courses.

Learn more

Are you a young person or social worker looking for more information? Join our email list by submitting this form to learn more about programs and funds for youth involved in the child welfare system.

Young People In Profile

Meet Brigitte

“Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada has supported me in getting braces for my teeth, scholarships for my studies, and even clothes. They’ve helped me get connected to community supports and get a laptop and printer. I hope to use my experiences in care, and in life, to help youth and families in my community and give back. One of my more personal goals is to fully love and be at peace with myself.”